Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Monday

Happy Monday to everyone in Pittsburgh--mine's over, at least the work part (remember I'm fourteen hours ahead of you).  One down and nine to go.

The countdown now begins in earnest.  I'm doing laundry right now, something of which I've done more in the past six weeks than in the rest of my life (it would probably be impolitic to repeat that I miss my wife).  I'll attempt to finish my stay here without having to do laundry again (aren't you lucky, sweetheart?).

It's hot and humid here again and I'm sweating like a pig.  It might have something to do with that monster walk to and from work.  I'm into another notch on my belt--don't worry, I'm still a fat bastard--but I'm sure I'll fatten up again when I get home to the good old US of A. 

Something that I've noticed in Brisbane that's quite a bit different than in the US is the amount of surveilance here.  On the way home, I saw cameras at almost every street corner, in front of nearly every establishment that caters to the public, and strung at 30 meter intervals along a walking bridge.  It might be the reason there is so little crime here (except for the cost of living).

I found out last week that the government here is somewhat intrusive.  You must wear a helmet to ride a bicycle, a skateboard, roller blades, or a motorcycle.  For motorcycles, the rules are more strict--you must complete a comprehensive exam and field test to get your license and, once you have your license, you can't ride anything with an engine larger than a 650cc for two years.

Maybe we'll go to the beach this weekend.  Preliminary forecasts are calling for rain once again, but it will be our last full weekend in Brisbane and it might be worth a try.

That's all for now.  I know I'm not coming through with the photographs, but it seems it takes forever to download them.  I may wait until I get home so that I can download them at my leisure.


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