Saturday, March 19, 2011

deep sea fishing

Six of us went deep sea fishing yesterday morning and, though the weather didn't cooperate, it was an interesting trip.  I did take several photos, but I don't have my camera with me right now--I will try to add the photos later this evening.

The commute was an hour on the bus and an hour on the train (each way) and it never stopped raining from 5:00AM when we left until 6:00PM when we returned.  The boat was covered, but none of us stayed very dry.  The act of leaning out to bait a hook would subject one to the pelting onslaught of a South Pacific rainstorm.  The trip was a success in that everyone caught something, but it was unsuccessful in that nobody caught anything larger than a couple pounds.  The rods we used were equipped with 40 pound test line--overkill to say the least, akin to using an elephant gun to hunt rabbits.

Just one of our six got seasick.  Thankfully he never hurled--that might have caused a chain reaction in the rest of us--but he was pasty-faced and nauseous.  The boat was only thirty feet long and it was tossed about violently in the choppy waters so it's somewhat surprising that more of us didn't get seasick.

I'll be returning to the States in a fortnight (two weeks) and I look forward to seeing everyone.  I'm in the home stretch and I'm becoming more anxious as each day passes.

That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. hoffman was the one to get sick i presume? giant pansy ass!

    -love Ross
